The contents of this issue of Management Control allow us to reflect on the performative na-ture of the calculation, quantification and qualification tools that govern the measurement and management of performance within organizations and society. Performance measure-ment and management tools, also called “devices”, are made up of a set of signs, or symbols, consisting not only of numbers, calculations and algorithms but also from graphic represen-tations, images and narratives. Attributing a “performative” nature to this set of signs means recognizing that these signs, rather than representing reality, provoke and create it (Muniesa, 2014). Such signs can be ascribed to the category of objects, but objects are never inanimate entities, but rather “actants” (Akrich, 1990; Akrich and Latour, 1992; Latour, 1987; Callon, 1999), i.e. able to suggest and inspire entire courses of action, promote the the opening up of new scenarios and stimulating the imagination of new horizons. The collection of articles in this issue certainly offers an opportunity to encourage dialogue and integration between the different approaches and areas of research on performance measurement and management. For example, qualitative and quantitative works could support each other; experimental works could integrate with surveys, intra-organizational research could inform inter-organizational research, and vice versa.
Keywords: Performance management, Measurement management, Performative calculation, Evaluation infrastructures, Performance devices