Rating Riviste Nazionali ed Internazionali 🗓

Elenco delle riviste del Journal Rating SIDREA   (aggiornato al 26 febbraio 2015)

da verificare rispetto alla classificazione attualmente definita ed all’opportunità di inserire nuove riviste:

Data base riviste SIDREA 26-2-2015


I suggerimenti dei soci SIDREA che perverranno entro il 30 settembre saranno discussi nell’ambito del Direttivo e sottoposti all’ANVUR ed ai componenti del GEV di area 13 riferibili al settore SECS-P/07 (Lino Cinquini, Guido Corbetta e Manuela De Carlo).

La lista verrà chiusa nella prossima riunione di coordinamento con i colleghi di AIDEA, SIMA, ASSIOA, ADEIMF, SIM, SISR e AISME fissata per giovedì 8 ottobre 2015.

Proposte di upgrading da B ad A:

1061-9518 – Journal Of International Accounting, Auditing And Taxation

1049-2127 – Journal Of Management Accounting Research

1471-9037 – Public Management Review

Proposte di upgrading da C a B:

Journal of Family Business Strategy (http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-family-business-strategy/news/impact-factor-jfbs/ )

Australian Accounting Review, Wiley, ISSN: 1835-2561

Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting (http://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=100147314&tip=sid&clean=0)

Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, ISSN: 1049-5142

Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, ISSN: 1478-3363

Proposte di nuovi inserimenti:

Journal of Cleaner Production. ISSN: 0959-6526. Impact Factor: 3.590

Voluntas: International Journal Of Voluntary And Nonprofit Organizations (fascia B nella lista VQR e nella lista AIDEA, dotato di IF)

Annals Of Public And Cooperative Economics

Social Policy & Administration

International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing

Social Entreprise Journal

Journal of Social Entrepreneurship

The International Journal of volunteer administration

Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences

Administration in Social Work

International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluuntary Sector Marketing

Social Service Review

European Journal of Social Work

CONVIVIUM o meglio Accounting, Economics and Law: a Convivium (http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/ael)

M@n@gement, ISSN: 1286-4892 (http://www.management-aims.com/about_en.html )

Family Relations, ISSN: 1741-3729 (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291741-3729)

Quality & Quantity. Rivista Springer di metodologia applicata alle scienze sociali. Impact Factor: 0.761. Classe A Anvur. www.springer.com/social+sciences/journal/11135

AF-Analisi Finanziaria (ISSN 1974-8078)

The European Union Review, ISSN: 1606-8963, pubblicata dall’European Community Studies Association dell’Università di Pavia. Fascia A Anvur-ASN area 14

Utilities Policy – ISSN: 0957-1787 – Impact Factor: 1.236

Water Resources Management – ISSN: 0920-4741 – Impact Factor: 2,463

Water Policy – ISSN: 0957-1787 – Impact Factor: 0,867

International Journal of Sustainable Economy – ISSN: 1756-5804

Journal of Decision Systems – ISSN: 1246-0125

International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management – ISSN: 1368-2156

Voluntary Sector Review – ISSN: 2040-8056

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education – ISSN: 1467-6370 – Impact Factor: 1,314

Journal of applied finance and banking

ICFAI journal of accounting research

Korporativnye Finansy

European journal of Scientific Research

Journal of Studies on Economics & Society. ISSN: 2078-1725

Economic and Finance Review. ISSN: 2047-0401

International Journal of Business and Commerce. ISSN: 2225-2436

Business and Management Review.ISSN: 2047-0398

International Journal of Business and Commerce. ISSN: 2225-2436

International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research. ISSN: 2229-6247

Manager Journal “Knowledge, Management, Information Management, Learning Management”. ISSN: 1453-0503

International Journal of Economics and Research. ISSN: 2229-6158

South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics.Print ISSN: 1109-8597; On-line ISSN: 1792-3115

Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing. Print ISSN: 1548-6583; On-line ISSN: 1935-9683

International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management. ISSN: 1447-9524

International Journal of Business and Globalisation. Print ISSN: 1753-3627; On-line ISSN: 1753-3635

Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier. On-line ISSN: 1877-0428

Journal of Air Transport Management (http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-air-transport-management/)

Team Performance Management, Emerald, ISSN: 1352-7592

International Journal of Applied Management Science, Inderscience Publishers, ISSN: 1755-8913

Wseas Transactions on Business and Economics,  WSEAS, ISSN: 2224-2899

International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, Inderscience Publishers, ISSN: 1753-6715

Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Springer, ISSN: 2192-5372

International Journal of Business and Globalisation, Inderscience Publishers, ISSN: 1753-3627

Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, Inderscience6 Publishers, ISSN: 1549-9324

Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Springer, ISSN: 1868-7865

Palgrave Communications, Palgrave Macmillan, ISSN: 2055-1045

Technology Innovation Education, Springer, ISSN: 2197-9855

International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, IGI, ISSN: 1947-8402

Simulation & Gaming: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theory, Practice and Research, edito da SAGE, ISSN 1046-8781

Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, edito da Elsevier, ISSN 1569-190X

Journal of Simulation, edito da Palgrave MacMillan, ISSN 1747-7778

Prossima riunione di coordinamento con i colleghi di AIDEA, SIMA, ASSIOA, ADEIMF, SIM, SISR e AISME fissata per giovedì 8 ottobre 2015


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